Welcome to my website.

My name is Becky Strom. I’ve been a teacher, counselor, hospital chaplain, pastor, paramedic, and a writer. Along with various careers, I’ve had the opportunity to go to places where I could use my skills and education. I traveled to El Salvador following Hurricane Mitch to provide medical care. I worked with 911 survivors and families in New Jersey. In Mexico, I helped build a domestic violence shelter. I walked on the dirt roads in Honduran mountain villages with “Paramedics for Children” to provide school supplies. Along the winding path of my life, I  healed from childhood abuse and discovered I was a flaming, feminist, liberal theologian. Still, I’m wondering what I want to be when I grow up.

Life will unfold in its own way and we have a choice how to move through it – tightfisted with hands closed, shut  off from the world, or engaged with arms open wide. I know, if you pick the latter, there will be hurt, pain, and sorrow but you’ll also find meaning, light, and purpose.

I sought the open-handed journey, and it has been messy, difficult, beautiful, and full of color. Most importantly, I learned I couldn’t do any of it by myself–not the complicated parts or even the nice, clean ones. I need family, friends, and community to guide, encourage, and support me through it all.

I don’t know how or why you found my website, but I’m glad you’re here and invite you to join me on the journey At my blog, What I know today, I will share poetry, photos, reflections, and lots of laughter. I hope you’ll find a friend on the path, a welcome place at my table and remember – the coffee will always be on.


Walking on Sacred Ground 

My first book is entitled Walking on Sacred Ground and is a memoir about the three years I worked as a chaplain in a large trauma hospital. It includes stories of the people I met, my experiences, my struggle with the institutional church, and what I learned along the way.

© 2021 Becky Strom | Brand + Site Design by Kristin Korn

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