About Becky Strom

My Story

Hello and thanks for stopping by. I’d like to tell you a few things about who I am, where I’ve been and where I’m headed. Though my given name is Rebecca, I’ve always felt more like a Becky—playful, optimistic, and someone who laughs easily.  I’m also a woman with many passions (some call me intense), which have influenced the direction and purpose of my life including:


I love to learn and education has been one of the routes I’ve taken. I obtained a master’s degree in counseling and a master’s of divinity degree. I’ve been a teacher, counselor, chaplain, and pastor. In my various jobs, I’ve addressed reproductive issues, death and dying, and addictions. In my most recent career, I moved through emergency medical training (EMS) levels. I eventually became a paramedic and worked with a fire department for sixteen years.

Formal education is only one way I pursued learning. I ‘ve also engaged in several informal activities including books, lectures, trainings, and conversations over a cup of coffee.


Underlying much of what I have done has been a deep desire for healing. Driven by a longing to feel whole after childhood abuse, I walked through the past, cried countless tears, and integrated the what I learned in the process. My personal journey, combined with my education, has allowed me the opportunity and skills to help others in their own healing.


My earliest memories that includes nature is climbing huge trees in the gully behind my home. After my parents divorced, my mother and I moved into an apartment in an older house. A Catalpa tree stood outside the bay window and I felt it had been waiting for me. Its beauty, huge leaves, and fragrant flowers spoke to my sorrow and I heard it say, “I’ll be your friend.”

Nature is a significant part of who I am. Though I no longer climb trees, they talk to me and you may see me hugging one. As a child, I made mud pies and still play in the dirt. Now, I garden, appreciate earthworms I come across, curse at the moles making tunnels. and talk to the birds who show up to play. What I know is, when I am  in the natural world, I feel connected to the holy.


In my childhood, the world felt scary and unsafe and I tried to be invisible. When that didn’t work, my shame and pain caused me to hide, withdraw, and avoid participating in life . With healing, I’ve discovered a big, beautiful world and a place I am no longer feared.

These days I love to trying new things (sometimes to my husband’s dismay): I’ve jumped out of an airplane, learned to ride a motorcycle, spent a month in Spain, hiking on the Camino de Santiago, and drove around Scotland by myself for several weeks. I can’t wait to see what my next adventure is going to be!

Learning to live an honest and authentic life

This passion is not about my “doing” but about my “being.” It is the foundation for who I am, what I do and where I am going. Our world faces so much pain and injustice through the use of power and greed, to diminish and divide people. We abuse our beautiful earth, as though it was created just for our taking and destroying. I am committed to learning about the issues our communities face – systemic racism, climate change, and others. I work to confront my complicity in them, and to be a voice for those who have been silenced when , where and how I can. 

My first book, Walking on Sacred Ground, is a memoir about the three years I worked as a chaplain in a large trauma hospital. It includes stories of the people I met, my experiences, my struggle with the institutional church, and what I learned about myself and offering compassionate care to others..  

When I’m not writing, you can find me nurturing my other passions: playing outdoors; spending time with my beautiful family of one husband, two daughters, and their spouses, five grandchildren, and one cat; enjoying time with amazing friends, or sitting in a cozy chair, with a cup of something good to drink and my nose in a book. True confession—I am a biblioholic and suspect I came out of my mother’s womb with a book in my hand.

If you visit my blog, What I know todayyou’ll discover a hodgepodge of images, and reflections on topics including nature, spirituality, personal growth, and aging; or whatever I think might offer some food for thought. Mostly, I hope you will find a friend on the journey and new insights for growth, beauty, and how to live in the moment. 

Finally, in these chaotic times, we all need to nurture ourselves to maintain balance in our humanity. When I am overwhelmed, and my soul needs to be fed, I head into nature to connect with Earth Mother to discover what new thing she has to show me. There I can quiet my mind and remember who I am. My hope is you also have a special place or activity where your “heart center” speaks to you

Thanks for stopping by.


When you listen with your heart, you will deepen your roots in the sacred and profound.

 becky strom


Walking on Sacred Ground 

My first book is entitled Walking on Sacred Ground and is a memoir about the three years I worked as a chaplain in a large trauma hospital. It includes stories of the people I met, my experiences, my struggle with the institutional church, and what I learned along the way.

I Am Addicted to Books!

I Am Addicted to Books!

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When was the last time you paused for mystery?

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Welcome to my blog, What I know today. I’m in a stage of my life where I asked myself, “What now?”. One of the answers I heard was to pursue writing. My first book, Walking on Sacred Ground, is a memoir about my work as a chaplain in a large trauma hospital. 

With this new venture, I learned two things: I love the writing process, and in the seventy years I’ve been hanging around on this earth, I’ve learned a lot about life, growing, healing, and loving, and I want to share it with others.

A blog seemed the logical place to fulfill both of those (and much better than shouting it out on a downtown street corner). So here I am, starting a new journey. 


My blog's title, What I know today reflects the ebb and flow of our existence, reshaped in both subtle and major ways. What I know now is very different than what I knew and thought yesterday, a year, and even a lifetime ago. I want my blog to reflect that reality of change. 

I’m glad you stopped by, and I hope to see you again. Until then, live fully in the moment – it’s the only guarantee we have.    

"What I knew so clearly yesterday, may change today, because there is an ebb and flow to our existence and is always evolving."

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