Contact Becky Strom

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I Went Looking For Spring.

I Went Looking For Spring.

I went looking for spring today, but winter was the only one willing to show up. The dried leaves swirled around as though in a final dance. The sun played hide and seek with the clouds, so its potential warmth didn’t reach me, disappearing more than out in the open....

Spring is Busting Out All Over!

Okay, maybe I lied, maybe springs not busting out all over, but instead, just peeping its head out. Which is good, since I’m reading a book about wintering. It would seem contrary to talk about wintering if spring was gloriously erupting around me. The book I’ve been...

Finding Your way Home

Finding Your way Home

At the beginning of January, the church celebrated Epiphany. Epiphany represents the day the three magi arrived to worship the Christ child. Not everyone realizes the Christmas story, often told, is a composite from three different gospels, all rolled into one....

I Hug Trees

Trees have always been an important part of my life. When I was young, I climbed them and went up as high as I could go. Those trees were my friends and I felt safe as I rested in their arms. Later, when I was eight, my parents divorced. Mother had to sell our house,...

The Beauty and Richness of Diversity in Life.

The Beauty and Richness of Diversity in Life.

(Blog Redo! I’m still learning this thing called blogging, making mistakes, writing poorly, but mostly trying to write from my head, rather than my heart. Recently I wrote a post that in hindsight I disliked for several reasons I just mentioned. So, I removed it. But...

TIS THE SEASON OF JOY – the complexity of joy.

TIS THE SEASON OF JOY – the complexity of joy.

  “Joy to the World!” The song rings out, at churches, in elevators, and stores, to bring good news. Plus, this Sunday was the lighting of the third Advent candle, identified as joy which the definition tells us is an emotion of great delight.   Certainly, I...

Some Days Family May Mean Cleaning, Cooking, and Hammering

Some Days Family May Mean Cleaning, Cooking, and Hammering

My hope is that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Because we were in rural Kansas, we missed the biggest part of holiday shopping and Black Friday craziness in stores. Which, in my mind, only means no people crashing into me, short tempers, or standing in line...

Gifts of the Friends In My Lives: Four Characteristics I Value

Gifts of the Friends In My Lives: Four Characteristics I Value

During the Pandemic, many things have been difficult. One of the hardest for me was the sense of isolation and aloneness. My 103 yr. old father-in-law could no longer live in his house alone and my husband didn’t want him to have to go into a nursing home, but desired...

The Three Reasons Why I Love to Read Children’s Books

The Three Reasons Why I Love to Read Children’s Books

Reading is an important part of my life and has been since childhood. But what may seem strange to people, is that I’m still reading stories that are written for children and youth, including picture books. I do this for several reasons. One is that they make me...

Welcome to my blog, What I know today. I’m in a stage of my life where I asked myself, “What now?”. One of the answers I heard was to pursue writing. My first book, Walking on Sacred Ground, is a memoir about my work as a chaplain in a large trauma hospital. 

With this new venture, I learned two things: I love the writing process, and in the seventy years I’ve been hanging around on this earth, I’ve learned a lot about life, growing, healing, and loving, and I want to share it with others.

A blog seemed the logical place to fulfill both of those (and much better than shouting it out on a downtown street corner). So here I am, starting a new journey. 


My blog's title, What I know today reflects the ebb and flow of our existence, reshaped in both subtle and major ways. What I know now is very different than what I knew and thought yesterday, a year, and even a lifetime ago. I want my blog to reflect that reality of change. 

I’m glad you stopped by, and I hope to see you again. Until then, live fully in the moment – it’s the only guarantee we have.    

"What I knew so clearly yesterday, may change today, because there is an ebb and flow to our existence and is always evolving."

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